Earthworm estimate: How many in 100m2 of UK garden?
Let's get our thinking worms out!

I think it's really cool that we're talking about earthworms in our gardens! As a teacher, I've learned that these squirmy friends are super important for our soil.

To give you an estimate of how many earthworms might be living in 100 square meters of regular UK garden, let's consider a few things:

1. Worm population density: In ideal conditions (like compost heaps or worm farms!), we can find around 10-20 worms per liter of moist soil. But our average UK garden soil is not as cozy for them.
2. Soil quality and moisture: Most regular UK gardens don't have super-rich soil, but they're usually not too dry either. Let's say we have a moderate level of moisture and decent soil quality – that would support around 1-5 worms per liter.
3. Garden size and shape: We're considering 100 square meters (about the size of a small tennis court). This gives us plenty of space for our worm friends to live, but it's still not a massive area.

Now, let's do some simple math:

* Let's assume an average density of 3 worms per liter (a rough estimate).
* There are approximately 100 liters in a cubic meter.
* So, we have about 3 worms per liter x 100 liters = 300 worms per cubic meter.
* Our 100 square meters is roughly the size of 0.1 cubic meters (since 100 sqm / 10 sqm per m³ = 0.01 cubic meters).
* Therefore, for our 100 square meters, we could estimate around 30 worms (300 worms/cubic meter x 0.1 cubic meters).

Remember, this is just an educated guess and can vary greatly depending on factors like soil quality, moisture levels, and how well the garden is maintained!

So, there you have it! A rough estimate of around 30 earthworms living in 100 square meters of regular UK gardens.