7 Easy Steps to Help Your Child Overcome the Struggle of Sharing

Lead by example
Children learn by watching and copying the behaviours of those around them, so it's important to model sharing behaviour yourself. When you share your toys, food, or other belongings with others, you show your child that sharing is an important part of life.
Use positive reinforcement
When your child shares, be sure to praise them and give them positive attention. This will encourage them to continue sharing and help them feel good about themselves.
Practice sharing with small items
It can be easier for children to share small items, such as stickers or small toys, before moving on to bigger things. Start by encouraging your child to share these items with siblings or friends, and gradually increase the size of the items as they become more comfortable with sharing.
Encourage turn-taking
Turn-taking helps children learn to share and take turns with others. You can teach turn-taking by playing games that require children to wait their turn, such as Simon Says or musical chairs.
Use language to encourage sharing
When you see your child having a hard time sharing, try using language to encourage them. For example, you could say, "It looks like you're having fun with that toy. Can you share it with your friend for a little while?" This helps children understand that sharing is an important part of being a good friend.
Set limits
While it's important to encourage sharing, it's also important to set limits on what children are expected to share. For example, you might allow your child to share their toys, but not their special stuffed animal or blanket. This helps children understand that there are some things that are off limits for sharing.
Teach conflict resolution skills
Sharing can sometimes lead to conflict, so it's important to teach children how to resolve conflicts peacefully. You can do this by modelling good communication skills and encouraging children to talk about their feelings.
Teaching children to share can take time and patience, but it is a valuable skill that will serve them well throughout their lives. By leading by example, using positive reinforcement, practicing sharing with small items, encouraging turn-taking, using language to encourage sharing, setting limits, and teaching conflict resolution skills, you can help your child develop the skills they need to be a considerate and compassionate member of their community.