What is sandpaper?
Sandpaper is like a helper for making things smooth or rough. It's a special kind of paper that has ...
What is coral and coral reef?
Sure thing! Imagine the ocean is like a big underwater city, and corals are the colorful buildings ...
What’s the deal with fingernails?
Fingernails are like little shields that protect the tips of our fingers and help us do things like ...
What does transparent mean?
"Transparent" is like having an invisible cloak for things you can see through easily, like when you ...
Why is your tongue wet?
Your tongue is wet because it has a special job of helping you taste and eat your food!
Imagine ...
What is a cram and why do we get them?
A cramp is like a surprise squeeze that happens in our muscles, making them feel really tight and ...
When should I use “much” and “many”?
Using "much" and "many" correctly is a bit like using different puzzle pieces to fit in the right ...
Why are Orcas called “Killer Whales”?
Orcas are called "killer whales" because a long time ago, people saw them hunting and eating other ...
How is sand made and where does it come from?
Sand is like a bunch of tiny, tiny rocks that have been made by nature over a really, really long ...
Why do tigers have stripes?
Tigers have stripes for a few clever reasons, like wearing a cool disguise and playing ...
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